Adult Martial Arts

Adult Martial Arts provides a fun and challenging form of fitness and social interaction for adults of all ages. OTW United Martial Arts blends multiple styles together to give adults skills to learn to defend themselves as well as improve strength, stamina, focus, coordination and reduce stress!

A Supportive Team

The On Track Wellness Martial Arts and Fitness studio provides a safe and supportive place for adults. It is a place where adults can train, learn, grow and meet others who want to see you succeed physically, mentally and professionally. A tribe that works as a positive sphere of influence. People of all ages and backgrounds come together with one goal: become a better person.

Physical and Mental Challenge

Training in adult martial arts will push you physically and mentally. The various styles incorporated at OTW United Martial Arts will challenge all adults. Improving your physical aspects as well as giving you a mental workout. With a focused Karate system that blends Japanese and Korean hard and soft styles it is great for all levels and ages. If you have never trained before or a high level from another style you will fit right into our close group.

We also offer an award-winning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program. If you have ever been interested in starting or just looking for a gym that values a family environment, we are the place for you! Check out there entire program here. Being a part of our program gives adults the opportunity to train at our affiliate facilities.

Adulting is hard. Training gives you an opportunity to leave all your stress and worries outside. Gi or no-gi, train hard, relieve stress and forget about the daily grind for a while.

To give us a try for free, simply fill out the form located here.